Craig Mcknight, author of The Business of Negotiation, An Executive's Guide to Getting What You Want
Craig McKnight is the semi-retired owner of QD Negotiations, LLC with focus on negotiation training and preparation. Craig spent the last ten years of his career developing negotiation training and then teaching negotiation and decision process courses throughout Chevron worldwide.
He retired in 2016 as Manager of Decision & Economic Analysis for the Deepwater Exploration & Projects and Gulf of Mexico business units for Chevron. Headquartered in Houston, Craig was responsible for decision quality and economic analysis for oil and gas exploration, appraisal, capital, and technology projects in the business units.
Craig received an accounting degree from Sam Houston State University in 1980. He received his Doctorate in Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law Houston in 1992. He became a CPA in 1985 and a lawyer in 1992.
He began his career at Texaco in 1980 as an accountant. He has held a variety of roles in Texaco and Chevron, including capital stewardship champion, International gas regional commercial manager – Latin America, International gas decision analysis team leader, planning manager, and executive staff. He has also held positions outside Chevron as an investment banker, lawyer, and tax specialist.
At the writing of this book, Craig is a member of the Society of Decision Professionals, the Decision Analysis Affinity Group, and a board member of the Houston chapter of the Society of Decision Professionals.